West Virginia Legislature May Force Employers to Give Employees Access to Their Personnel Files

WVLegislature 3/10/09: In the West Vir­ginia Leg­is­la­ture, HB 3032, intro­duced on March 10, 2009, would give employ­ees the right to review their per­son­nel files.  The leg­is­la­tion has not been passed, and in pri­or leg­isla­tive ses­sions, essen­tial­ly the same bill was intro­duced with­out hav­ing been passed.

Many peo­ple have the incor­rect under­stand­ing that, in West Vir­ginia, an employ­er is legal­ly required to allow an employ­ee to review the employ­ee’s per­son­nel file. There is cur­rent­ly no such legal require­ment, but the pend­ing HB 3032 will change that if it is passed.

You can review the full text of the bill, and mon­i­tor its sta­tus on the Leg­is­la­ture’s site.

Update 8/1/10: As of this date, the West Vir­ginia Leg­is­la­ture has not passed this bill. There is still no gen­er­al require­ment forc­ing employ­ers to show employ­ees their per­son­nel files.